J. Edgar Madsen, CPA/PFS, CGMA, MBA - Partner

Edgar founded what is now Madsen O’Meara & Company in 2003. Edgar graduated from the University of Minnesota with a major in international agricultural trade policy and went on to earn his MBA in accounting from the University of St. Thomas. His career comprises more than 25 years of tax and financial planning experience, including trust tax and accounting. As president of Madsen O’Meara & Company, Edgar oversees the strategic vision and development of the firm, as well as client service and marketing initiatives. Edgar is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Minnesota Society of Public Accountants, and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Edgar is active in his church, where he has served on elder boards and finance committees. In a 2011 missionary trip to Ghana, he taught principles of accounting and business. Married and father of two children, Edgar also counts hunting, reading and hockey among his leisure pursuits.